Hello lovely people,

there is nothing like a good read. It expands your vocabulary, improves your text comprehension and at last but not the least, it brings some calmness into your day. 🙂

What happened to Henry? Was Luna freaking out or was she as chilled as ever? Was Tonka worried?

He pulled a tissue from his pocket and wiped his forehead. “Tommy?” “Oh, well, sit down. I’ll get the first aid kit and be right back. “What?” “Sit down.” Henry blew his nose, tasting the iron taste of blood in his mouth. “Tom, come here.” Tom came back with a bottle of water and the first aid kit. “Can’t you wear the damn helmet?” “What the hell happened to me?” “Well, your forehead’s split open and your nose is probably broken, you need to get cleaned up and then I’ll put a bandage on it and you need to see a doctor with this.” “Oh, come on…,” Henry immediately said. He didn’t like doctors. “Look, either we go to the doctor or I’ll fix it for you.” Tom cut him off sharply. He washed the cut on his forehead, cleaned it and put the bandage on it. “Put your head back and hold on to that bandage. Now, get in the car and I’ll get the tools.” “Yeah, okay, I’m coming. But put a cover on my motorbike.” “Yeah, sure, just get in the car.” Henry turned around and slowly shuffled into the car.

It was about 5:30 in the afternoon when they arrived at the doctor’s office. Henry sat in the waiting room for a while, while Tom went to get a nurse. He came back with a nurse who took Henry straight to the doctor. Tom sat down and tapped his foot nervously, though at first glance it didn’t look too bad. He’d already seen a few people who’d had a branch dropped on their heads. But he was still worried about Henry, they were very good friends.

Meanwhile, Luna was pacing nervously around the cabin, getting angry. “Damn it, where is he?! He said he’d be back around lunch time and it is almost nightime, so where the hell is he? I should’ve given up on the cooking. Just wait till you get back.” Tonka could walk a little now, so she slowly walked around the cottage, sniffing all the things. Suddenly she came to the door and started scratching at it. “You can’t go out now, it’s raining so much.“ But Tonka didn’t stop. “I SAID NO!” Luna shouted. Tonka took a long look into Luna’s eyes. Then Tonka turned around and went to lie down on the chair.

Luna looked out of the window for a moment to see if anyone was coming, but then she gave up. She sat down in her chair and started reading a book. She had only been reading for about ten minutes when the lights came on through the window. She heard the sound of an engine approaching and then it stopped. She could hear someone talking but couldn’t make out much over the raindrops hitting the roof and the howling wind. “Who the hell is that?” There was a light knock on the door. Luna slowly approached the door and opened it.

See ya in Chapter 14 (the final chapter)

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